Fatima Shaik: Masking New Orleans

February 24, 2006 | In These TimesOn Mardi Gras Day, the nation will be looking to New Orleans to see if we are wearing masks. >> Read the story More

What I Heard About Iraq

I heard that Saddam Hussein, in solitary confinement, was spending his time writing poetry, reading the Koran, eating cookies and muffins, and taking care of some bushes and shrubs. More

Books vs. Goons

A butterfly flaps its wings in India, and we feel the breeze on our cheeks here in New York. A throat is cleared somewhere in Africa and in California… More

Money Can’t Buy Us Democracy

Tehran, Iran--In February, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice asked Congress for $75 million to help Iran's democratic opposition. In Iran , her request was widely discussed in the… More


Our digital clocks are now contraband. But if your old digital clock has a radio in it, then it’s not contraband. The new replacement clocks the canteen now sells… More


Manma whispered—Pharmacist....daughter....married I collected whispers like apples in a basket, jumbled, disjointed words that I knew could be rearranged into a story....somehow. More