PEN Appeal: Salidzhon Abdurakhmanov

August 18, 2008 Minister of Internal Affairs Bahodir MATLIUBOV Ministerstvo vnutrennikh del RU ul. Junus Rajabiy 1 Tashkent 700029 UZBEKISTAN Fax: + 998 71 233 89 34 Deputy Prosecutor General Alisher SHARAFUTDINOV Prokuratura Respubliki Uzbekistan ul. Gulyamova… More

Days of Illegal Detention

Once again, on the afternoon of December 14, I was interrogated by agents of the Pudong Subdistrict Security Bureau. After two hours of small talk, they had asked about… More

Ding Xiao

October 26, 2006I met Ding Xiao under somewhat unusual circumstances. She was my neighbor when I lived on the fourth floor of Building 18 in Gangxia Village, Shenzheng City.… More

A Killing Trip

1.I ran into my cousin Gyatso in a bar next to my work unit. Without chatting much he invited me to join a trip to Terdrom Hot Spring next… More

A Letter from Xinna

LISTENJuly 19, 2008Dear PEN friends,My name is Xinna, and I am the wife of Mr. Hada, an ethnic Mongolian writer imprisoned in China.During the early 1990s, my husband… More

How Big a Character is Xin

Between heaven and earth, the flakes of snow are fluttering and dancing, as if writing a letter . . . Oh! How big a letter! How big a book! When I was teaching… More

The Public-Toilet Manager

Yes. I used to drive a human-waste truck. Nobody looked down on me because I was handling shit. My clients called me Master Zhou. More