PEN Appeal: Carlos Ortega Samper

May 14, 2009 Lic. Felipe De Jesús Calderón Hinojosa Presidente de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos Residencia Oficial de los Pinos Casa Miguel Alemán Col. San Miguel Chapultepec, C.P. 11850 Distrito Federal, México Fax: (+ 52… More

PEN Appeal: Daw Aung San Suu Kyi

May 14, 2009 Senior General Than Shwe Chairman, State Peace and Development Council c/o Ministry of Defense Naypyitaw Union of Myanmar Your Excellency, On behalf of the 3,300 members of PEN American Center, an international organization… More

PEN Appeal: Nedim Gürsel

May 14, 2009 Mehmet Ali Sahin Minster of Justice Adalet Bakanligi 06659 Ankara Turkey Fax: 00-90-312419-3370 Your Excellency, On behalf of the 3,300 members of PEN American Center, an international organization of writers dedicated to protecting freedom… More

PEN Appeal: Nedim Gürsel

May 4, 2009 Mehmet Ali Sahin Minster of Justice Adalet Bakanligi 06659 Ankara Turkey Fax: 00-90-312419-3370 Your Excellency, On behalf of the 3,300 members of PEN American Center, an international organization of writers dedicated to protecting freedom… More

PEN Appeal: Milton Chacaguasay Flores

May 7, 2009 President Rafael Correa Palacio de Carondelet Garcia Moreno 1043 Entre Chile y Espejo Quito, Ecuador Fax: +593 2 258 0714 Minister Gustavo Jalk Ministro de Justicia y Derechos Humanos Av. Amazonas 4545 y Atahualpa Quito,… More

PEN Appeal: Zargana

May 7, 2009 Senior General Than Shwe Chairman, State Peace and Development Council c/o Ministry of Defense Naypyitaw Union of Myanmar Your Excellency, On behalf of the 3,300 members of PEN American Center, an international organization… More

The Year We Drowned

Grandmother is a young woman, hardly older than me, and is walking in the woods somewhere in Mitteleuropa: looking for mushrooms, perhaps, the trumpet-shaped flutes of the black chanterelle… More

PEN Appeal: Sakit Zakhidov and Ali Hasanov

April 22, 2009 President Ilham Aliyev The President Palace 19 Istiqlaliyyat Street Baku, AZ1066 Republic of Azerbaijan Fax: + 994 12 492 0625 Lt.-Gen. Ramil Usubov Minister of Internal Affairs Ministry of… More

변화의 중심에 서서

변화의 중심에 서서 나는 요즈음 청년작가라고 자처합니다. 언제나 과거의 작품들과 결별하겠다는 생각때문이기도 하지만, 사실상 ‘무기의 그늘’을 출간한 이래 15년 동안 절필하고 사회 봉사와 망명 투옥 등으로 보냈기 때문이지요. 본격적으로 다시… More