Dear President Obama

Arguing that the United States owes a public debt to those who refused to support or participate in torture, PEN American Center has joined with nine other leading human… More

The Secret of Sky: Act III (Evening)

The Secret of Sky: Act III (Evening) CAST OF CHARACTERS The PRISONER A man in his early thirties—attractive but disheveled; dressed in a long-sleeved T-shirt, gray sweat pants, and (when not in… More

PEN Appeal: Noel López Olguín

June 11, 2011 Lic. Felipe De Jesús Calderón Hinojosa Presidente de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos Residencia Oficial de los Pinos Casa Miguel Alemán Col. San Miguel Chapultepec, C.P. 11850, DISTRITO FEDERAL, México Fax: (+… More

Give Us Back Our Bahrain

We are in the business of open memories, memories that do not oppose people, one against the other. We represent an open idea of how people can live together. More

Give Us Back Our Bahrain

httpv:// The above video captures Bahraini poet Ayat al-Gormezi reciting her poem, “Khalifa” (Prime Minister), at a pro-democracy protest in Pearl Square. She was arrested in March and charged with incitement… More

PEN Appeal: Ayat al Gormezi and Abbas Al-Murshid

June 10, 2011 His Majesty Sheikh Hamad bin Issa Al-Khalifa King of Bahrain Office of His Majesty the King P.O. Box 555 Rifa’a Palace Kingdom of Bahrain Fax: +973 176 64 587 Sheikh Khalid bin Ali Al-Khalifa Minister… More

PEN Appeal: Crackdown in Syria

June 9, 2011 His Excellency President Bashar al-Assad Presidential Palace Abu Rummaneh, Al-Rashid Street Damascus, Syrian Arab Republic Fax: + 963 11 332 3410 His Excellency Said Sammour Minister of the Interior Ministry of the Interior Merjeh Circle Damascus,… More

Do Women Writers Write “Tosh”

V. S. Naipaul’s pronouncement—that no women writers are his equals—shows him as sexist, of course, as well as arrogant and absurd. More


KhalifaHear me:You, the elder,the “good man”, who “safeguards justice”(so you have always declared),if I were to make excuses for you,I, for you,for the things you have done,I would only… More