Author Profiles

Advocacy Cases and Rapid Actions: develop advocates for social justice in your classroom! Use PEN's advocacy cases and rapid actions to model active political engagement through writing. Develop a… More

Face Off! Overcoming Barriers

It is often said that it is not the life that matters, but the courage one brings to it. Four acclaimed authors from the U.K., Germany, Denmark, and the… More

PEN World Voices Festival

For one week each spring, the PEN World Voices Festival showcases the work of more than 50 international writers from across the globe in conversations, readings, performances, demonstrating that… More


"My analyst insists that I join PEN... Consequently I am enclosing my [check] for membership." —Joseph Heller, PEN Member Read the Publisher's Weekly piece on PEN America's new look and the… More

2013 Call for Literary Awards Submissions

The PEN Literary Awards are the most comprehensive in the United States. Each year, with the help of its partners and supporters, PEN confers more than $150,000 to writers… More

Capturing Race

Fatima Shaik: Writing MelitteIn my young adult novel Melitte, I did not let readers know that she was a slave until the third chapter. I wanted them first to identify with… More

Trading for Internet Freedom

While it may seem unusual for an organization with a 90-year history of promoting literature to sit arm-to-arm with international traders, the size and scope of both multinational corporations… More