Brazil: Two Political Bloggers Murdered

The fatal shooting of two political bloggers in Maranhão state, north-eastern Brazil, in just over a week signals an alarming rise in fatal violence against writers that must be… More

Free Expression Digest: Wed., November 25

Five Niger journalists arrested in ten days, Chinese police accused of harassing dead activist's family, and a French comedian is given a prison sentence for hate speech. More

from Motion Studies

They had struck gold; they had won the right to be forgotten. The ticket granted them that. All they had to do was sign on the dotted line and… More

The PEN Ten with Chaya Babu

"I think the responsibility of the writer is to interrogate their reality and the reality of what they see and then write that. I do believe there is collective… More

Operation Ajax

This week, an excerpt from the graphic novel Operation Ajax about the 1953 CIA coup in Iran that remade the Middle East. More


I still dream about those women, you know, but they are faceless. They come to me shrouded, reaching, their hands and fingers searching for mine, wanting to touch my… More