Este es el libro de las generaciones de gatos. Estas son las generaciones que le servirán: eran los gatos de Abram; Agar dió a luz a gatos, pero los… More


This is the book for the generations of cats. These are the generations that will serve them: they were Abram’s cats; Agar gave birth to her cats, but the… More

Eight Dollar Garbage

Though Steve McQueen spends most of The Great Escape / Breaking in a baseball mitt / And I’ll spend most of the next hour / Looking around for someone… More

from Tell Me How It Makes You Feel

Because these are the documents we’re never to destroy. // Because these are the documents we’re never to falsify or duplicate for forgery or for profit’s sake. // Because… More

from Summer Err

Beyond the forests, / the head of the general / killed everything he saw or could think of. // All sheepmen carry strychnine / to kill coyotes, bears, panthers, / little dog-like wolves,… More

Two Poems by Paul Legault

A president cannot pardon itself. / A body cannot bury itself in / the ground or tomb it had its minions build. / There has to be someone to… More

The Triumph of Life

I thought each day / to be the hard and broken prayer of the only / God degenerate enough to mix his hands in the mash / and our… More