Online Abuse & Digital Safety

Online Abuse & Digital Safety

Online abuse stifles free speech.

Online abuse—from violent threats and hateful slurs to sexual harassment and doxing—poses a direct and pressing threat to free expression. Writers, journalists, and scholars are targeted for their profession and their identity, especially if they are women, people of color, LGBTQ+, or as members of religious or ethnic minorities. PEN America is committed to making online spaces more safe,  equitable, and free by: helping those facing abuse and other safety challenges; collaborating with media organizations, publishers, and other employers; conducting research and advocacy; and working with partner organizations to fight back.

Trainings and Resources


Blogs & News

  • Craig Newmark Philanthropies Renews Support for Digital Safety Work

    Tuesday August 20
  • Coalition Against Online Violence Launches #ElectSafely Campaign to Protect Journalists During Contentious 2024 Elections Worldwide

    Wednesday June 12
  • New Report Prescribes Peer Support to Help Journalists Targeted by Online Abuse

    Wednesday April 3
  • PEN America: Former Trump Administration Official’s Threats Against Media are “Anathema”

    Wednesday December 6
  • PEN America: Removing Block Button on Twitter/X Puts Another Nail in the Coffin of the Platform

    Friday August 18
  • New Report: To Reduce Online Abuse, Social Media Platforms Must Overhaul Flawed System for Users to Report Harassment and Threats

    Thursday June 29

Does your organization need help dealing with online abuse?

If you are a writer, journalist, editor, teacher, professor, librarian, or administrator dealing with online harassment, PEN America has tools and resources to help. Check out Online SOS for guidance, and contact [email protected] for more information on our online abuse defense training program.

Our Experts