Writers at Risk Advocacy

PEN/Barbey Freedom to Write Center

PEN America advocates on behalf of imprisoned and besieged writers around the world.

AP Photo_Middle East Images, File

Writers around the world face grave risks for speaking out, telling truths, and pushing back against the powerful. Today and throughout history, we see writers and other cultural figures hold governments, individuals, and institutions to account in a way that few others can. For this, they are imprisoned, exiled, harassed, and face other forms of reprisal. Established in 2022 by a sizable donation from the Edwin Barbey Charitable Trust, the PEN/Barbey Freedom to Write Center was created to expand PEN America’s advocacy on behalf of writers at risk globally, rallying to their defense and promoting the freedom to write.

PEN America examines threats to free expression in our annual Freedom to Write Index, a year-end count of imprisoned writers worldwide. Explore our Writers at Risk Database for updated tracking of cases of writers, journalists, artists, academics, and public intellectuals around the world facing myriad threats for their writing and expression. Learn more about the methodology used for our Index and Database here.

Writers Imprisoned Globally: 2023

Country jailed 20 or more writers in 2023
Country jailed 7-19 writers in 2023
Country jailed 1-6 writers in 2023

Latest Updates

  • A man wearing glasses and a black polo shirt smiles at the camera. The background features blurred greenery and a person seated at a table.

    Sentencing of Prominent Vietnamese Writer Underlines Government Crackdown on Free Expression

    Thursday February 27
  • Free Narges Coalition Calls to Extend Suspension of Narges Mohammadi’s Sentences

    Wednesday February 26
  • An older man with long gray hair and glasses stands indoors. He is wearing a black jacket over a gray shirt and is looking directly at the camera. The background is plain white.

    PEN America Calls for Immediate Release of Writer Boualem Sansal in Algeria as He Begins Hunger Strike Over Unjust Imprisonment

    Tuesday February 25

#FreeNarges: Freedom to Write Award Winner 2023

Learn more about Narges Mohammadi’s case, add your name to a petition for her release, and send her a message of support. The Free Narges Coalition Steering Committee is led by the Narges Foundation, PEN America, Reporters Without Borders (RSF), and Front Line Defenders. Together, the coalition urges the global community to hold the Islamic Republic government accountable for its abuses. 

Our Staff

  • Liesl Gerntholtz

    Managing Director, PEN/Barbey Freedom to Write Center

  • Woman with curly brown hair wearing a black top, gold earrings, and a necklace, smiling against a light gray background.

    Karin Deutsch Karlekar

    Director, Writers at Risk, PEN/Barbey Freedom to Write Center

  • Rachel Powers

    Program Coordinator, PEN/Barbey Freedom to Write Center

  • Veronica Tien

    Senior Communications Manager, PEN/Barbey Freedom to Write Center

  • Anh-Thu Vo

    Manager, Research & Advocacy, PEN/Barbey Freedom to Write Center