Samantha LaFrance

Manager, Editorial Projects, Free Expression and Education

Sam LaFrance is the Manager of Editorial Projects for the Free Expression and Education team.


Virginia just revealed the truth behind government attacks on DEI
Richmond Times-Dispatch, April 2024

Don’t Say Rape: How the Book Banning Movement Is Censoring Sexual Violence
Ms. Magazine, March 2024

Florida’s latest ideological battle ground: teacher training
South Florida Sun Sentinel, January 2023

Dangerous Ohio bill will breed self-censorship and fear, not intellectual freedom
Columbus Dispatch, December 2023

How campuses can protect free speech and student safety amid the Israel-Hamas war
Higher Ed Dive, November 2023

Protecting Students’ Freedom to Learn
Educational Leadership Magazine, September 2023

Florida officials must take credit for their destructive school work
South Florida Sun Sentinel, August 2023

Utah audit report targets schools and censors teachers
Salt Lake Tribune, November 2022

PEN America Reports

Educational Intimidation Bills: How “Parents’ Rights” Legislation Undermines the Freedom to Learn (August, 2023)

Articles by Samantha LaFrance

Banned BooksU.S. Free Expression
Thursday August 22

The State of Book Bans: Utah’s ‘No-Read List’

The law has now opened the floodgates for mass bans across Utah, and also requires schools to “dispose” of any banned books from their libraries.

Monday July 29

Local no longer: 4 new laws and policies bring book banning to the state level

A new spate of state laws and policies is giving lie to the idea that banning books is about families making decisions for their own children.

Educational CensorshipU.S. Free Expression
Friday July 26

University of Alabama campuses didn’t have to close their DEI offices. They did anyway.

The closures are a textbook example of how universities ought not to respond to educational censorship: banning offices and concepts via administrative overcompliance that are not banned by law.

More Articles by Samantha LaFrance

U.S. Free ExpressionCampus Free SpeechEducational Censorship
Friday April 19

What’s going on in Louisiana?

Educational CensorshipU.S. Free Expression
Tuesday April 9

Destabilizing public libraries | Louisiana HB 777

U.S. Free ExpressionBanned BooksEducational Censorship
Friday March 1

Three new bills that threaten the freedom to read

U.S. Free ExpressionEducational Censorship
Tuesday February 27

Stopping WOKE in Alabama | AL SB 129

U.S. Free ExpressionEducational Censorship
Monday February 26

More cowboys, less freedom | WY SF 1S3013

U.S. Free ExpressionEducational Censorship
Friday February 16

New ‘diversity’ bills in Kentucky and Indiana miss the mark

Educational Censorship
Monday February 12

Nebraska lawmakers are considering damaging DEI and tenure bans

U.S. Free ExpressionCampus Free SpeechEducational Censorship
Wednesday February 7

Six Dangerous Bills That Would Censor Speech on Campuses Across the Country

Friday January 26

Champions of Higher Education Unite to Fight Educational Censorship

Educational CensorshipU.S. Free Expression
Wednesday January 24

‘Parental Rights’ in Wisconsin | WI AB 510

Friday January 19

25 books banned in Marietta, Georgia, over parent objections

U.S. Free ExpressionEducational Censorship
Monday November 20

The Topics Teachers Are Too Afraid to Teach

Friday September 22

A Disability Activist Is Asked to Change Her Speech By Boston University Her Response: In Future Speaking Contracts, No Changes will be Allowed

Thursday August 31

It’s Not Just Florida: 4 New ‘Don’t Say Gay’ Laws Passed in 2023

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Thursday August 3

These Books Are Banned in Urbandale, Iowa School District

Thursday February 16

Educational Censorship Continues: The 2023 Legislative Sessions So Far