Matthew G. Walker

Matthew G. Walker has been writing for seven years. His submission “Not Guilty” was awarded the First Place prize in the 2010 PEN Prison Writing Contest Drama category and “Second Chances” was awarded the Third Place prize in 2009.

Currently he is working on completing the full-length screenplay for “The Meridian.”

Articles by Matthew G. Walker

Prison and Justice Writing
Monday November 19

The Meridian

It’s obvious she’s wrong. When the men reach them, the men will kill them both, who cares if they’re supposed to be able to. They’ve killed others. The Man In Purple has ordered it.

Prison and Justice Writing
Friday April 23

Not Guilty

FADE IN: EXT. A BLUE SKY – MORNING 7:02 A.M. Flying over an isolated campus, sprawled across 45 acres of green grass, wooded countryside and hills, a hawk spots a perch in a Hickory tree and swoops down to land. Through the branches, a few laughing people can be seen walking to and from buildings.

Prison and Justice Writing
Wednesday July 1

Second Chances

INT. LAVON FAMILY LIVING ROOM — NIGHT SAMMIE, a fleshy 10-year-old child wearing Incredible Hulk Pajamas, rises from the love seat with cordless phone in hand. Absent-mindedly turning the lamp on, Sammie allows his hand to flop to his side. His gaze is drawn beyond the living room, beyond the foyer, to the large oak