Christopher Zoukis

Christopher Zoukis, Marketing Director at Brandon Sample PLC, is the author of the Federal Prison Handbook, Prison Education Guide, and College for Convicts. He can be found online at,,, and

Articles by Christopher Zoukis

Prison and Justice Writing
Monday November 19

Healing Bin Laden

Two priests stand on the platform before an altar. SHERYL and DAVID are seated on the first row of pews. FATHER CARL: If anyone desires prayer and the laying on of hands. Please form a line before the altar.

Prison and Justice Writing
Tuesday May 10


1 My name is Jesus. And I’m back. I always wanted to say that. “I’m back.” Like the Austrian Oak, what’s his name, the governor of California. Schwarzenegger, Arnold—if you’re into alphabetization. Which I am. Okay, that sounds kind of like I just said I’m Arnold Schwarzenegger. I am not him, and I didn’t say