Liu Xiaobo (1955-2017) was a brilliant writer and committed activist. As President of the Independent Chinese PEN Center, he was a friend and compatriot for writers all over the world who struggle against tyranny using words as their sole weapon.
For the act of penning seven sentences, China punished Liu Xiaobo with 11 years in prison. After his arrest in December 2008, PEN America honored Liu with the 2009 PEN/Barbara Goldsmith Freedom to Write Award, kicking off an international campaign for his freedom that culminated in his receipt—in absentia—of the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize.
China’s refusal to honor Liu Xiaobo’s last wish to travel overseas for treatment and its decision to hold him incommunicado during his dying days are a cruel epitaph in the tale of a powerful regime’s determination to crush a brave man who dared challenge a government that sustains its rule through suppression and fear. Liu Xiaobo was not afraid. His courage in life and in death is an inspiration to those who stand for freedom in China and everywhere.
Liu Xiaobo
Liu Xiaobo, a renowned literary critic, writer, political activist, and 2010 Nobel Peace Prize laureate, was charged with “inciting subversion of state power,” and sentenced to 11-years in prison for penning seven sentences. More…
Writers Worldwide Mourn Death of Writer-Activist Liu Xiaobo, a Permanent Mark on China’s Human Rights Record
The death of Liu Xiaobo will forever mar China’s reputation under international law and global human rights standards, PEN America said in a statement today. More…
A Freedom to Write Retrospective: Liu Xiaobo
Liu Xiaobo is one of us. He may not be free yet, but we have thousands of Members willing to stand in the snow for him… More…
Greed’s Prisoner
even the ashes don’t belong to you, his body / in the prison of the Communist Party / so that the spirit-cell you built / without a door without a window / without a thread of a crack / locks you in solitude / to rot More…
Reading Liu Xiaobo’s Greed’s Prisoner
Liu Xiaobo’s wife, Liu Xia, and Victoria Redel read Greed’s Prisoner (for the dispossessed wife), a poem written by Liu Xiaobo, recipient of the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize. More…
Authoritarianism in the Light of the Olympic Flame
In April 2007, Beijing announced its grand plan for the Olympic Torch Relay. The official theme, “harmonious journey,” was clearly meant as an indirect reference to the “harmonious society” advocated by President Hu Jintao soon after he assumed office in 2005. The relay plan will break many Olympic records, with the longest route, the broadest More…
One Letter is Enough, Longing to Escape, A Small Rat in Prison, and Daybreak
one letter is enough / for me to transcend and face / you to speak / as the wind blows past / the night / uses its own blood / to write a secret verse / that reminds me each / word is the last word More…
The Seven Sentences of Liu Xiaobo
E.L. Doctorow, Don DeLillo, Kwame Anthony Appiah, Edward Albee, A.M. Homes, Honor Moore, Victoria Redel, and other PEN Members gathered on the steps of the New York Public Library to demand the release of writer Liu Xiaobo, who was sentenced on Christmas Day to 11 years in prison in China. The program featured short statements More…
Liu Xiaobo Discusses Freedom of Expression in China
Imprisoned Chinese writer Liu Xiaobo talks about freedom of expression in China. More…
PEN Podcast: Kwame Antony Appiah Introduces Writers Rally for Release of Liu Xiaobo
Kwame Anthony Appiah on Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo, who was sentenced to 11 years in prison on Christmas Day, 2009. More…