Rapid Actions

Frank Chikowore Released on Bail

International PEN welcomes the May 2 release of freelance journalist and Internet writer Frank Chikowore, after more than two weeks in prison. More

Darfuri Journalist Detained Since May 14

PEN protests the two-week detention of Al-Ghali Yahya Shegifat, 32, freelance journalist for the privately owned daily Ray Al-Shaab and president of the Association of Darfur Journalists, who has… More

Satirical Plays Attacked and Banned

International PEN strongly protests attacks against the cast and crew of the satirical play The Crocodile of Zambezi, and its banning by the police, in Bulawayo in May 2008. More

Publisher Sentenced Under Article 301

International PEN condemns the sentencing of publisher Ragip Zarakolu in Istanbul on June 17 for "insulting the State" (Article 301, Turkish Penal Code). More