Rapid Actions

Journalist Win Tin Released

International PEN welcomes the release of veteran journalist and pro-democracy activist Win Tin, who was imprisoned for over 19 years and is one of the longest-serving prisoners on PEN’s… More

Heavy Sentences for Publishers

International PEN strongly protests the 20-year prison sentence handed down to journalist Ahmed Ghous Zalmai, and the five-year sentence handed down to publisher Mohammad Ateef Noori, for publishing a… More

Writer Detained for Insulting the Monarchy

International PEN is seriously concerned about the detention of Australian writer Harry Nicolaides, who is charged with “lèse-majesté”or “insulting the monarchy” for his 2005 novel Verisimilitude. More

Internet Writer Cleared on Appeal

International PEN welcomes the verdict of a Moroccan court of appeal to overturn the two-year sentence against Internet writer Mohammed Erraji on September 18, 2008. More

Crackdown on Dissidents

International PEN is alarmed about an apparent crackdown on dissent in Vietnam, in which a number of writers have been arrested in recent weeks. More

Tamil Journalists Detained

International PEN protests the detention of Tamil journalists V. Jasikaran and J. S. Tissainayagam, who have been held for six months under terrorist legislation, apparently for their critical writings. More

Internet Writer Kareem Amer Ill-Treated

International PEN is seriously concerned for the well-being of Internet writer Kareem Amer following reports that he has been ill-treated in detention at Borg Alarab prison, where he is… More

Dissident Writer Hu Shigen Released

International PEN welcomes the release of University lecturer, political activist and dissident writer Hu Shigen on August 26, 2008, after spending sixteen years and three months in prison. More

Internet Writer Imprisoned for Insult

International PEN protests the two-year prison sentence and fine of 5,000 dirhams handed down to Internet writer Mohammed Erraji on September 8, 2008 for criticizing King Mohammed in an… More