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Crackdown Persists

International PEN is alarmed by another wave of arrests in Vietnam, in which a number of writers and activists have been arrested in recent weeks for their dissenting views… More

Two Editors Jailed for A Year

International PEN protests the one-year prison sentence handed to newspaper editors Ibrahim Mohamed Ali and Asrat Wedajo on August 24, 2009 for their coverage of sensitive issues. They were… More

Six Journalists Pardoned and Released

International PEN welcomes the September 3, 2009 release of the six Gambian journalists who were given a two-year prison sentence last month for sedition and defamation after they criticized… More

Tamil Journalist Sentenced to 20 Years’ Imprisonment

International PEN is appalled by the 20-year prison sentence handed down to Tamil journalist Jayaprakash Sittampalam (J. S.) Tissainayagam, under anti-terror legislation for his writing and publishing activities. He… More

Three-Year Prison Sentence for Editor

International PEN protests the three-year prison sentence handed down to editor Ramazan Yesergepov for "illegally obtaining and divulging state secrets." PEN considers his conviction to be a breach of… More

Editor Dies in Prison

International PEN is shocked by the death of Novruzali Mamedov, editor of Talysh minority language newspaper Talyshi Sado and head of the Talysh Cultural Center, while serving a ten-year… More

Writer and Advocate Released from Prison

International PEN welcomes the August 12, 2009 release of dissident writer, pro-democracy advocate and Independent Chinese PEN Center member Zhang Lin. More

Publisher Sentenced to One Year in Prison

International PEN protests the one-year prison sentence and fine handed down to publisher Raúl Figueroa Sarti on August 6, 2009, for alleged copyright infringement. Figueroa is currently under house… More

Writer and Editor Detained

International PEN is seriously concerned for the welfare of Tibetan writer and editor Tashi Rabten (pen name: Te’urang), who was reportedly arrested on July 27, 2009. PEN fears that… More