PEN/John Kenneth Galbraith Award for Nonfiction

This annual prize of $10,000, previously offered biennially, is awarded each year to the author of a distinguished book of nonfiction possessing notable literary merit and critical perspective that illuminates important contemporary issues. The book should possess the qualities of intellectual rigor and importance, perspicuity of expression, and stylistic elegance conspicuous in the writings of author and economist John Kenneth Galbraith, whose four dozen books and countless other publications continue to provide an important and incisive commentary on the American social, intellectual, and political scene.

Eligible books will have been published in the last calendar year. The author need not be a U.S. citizen or resident to be eligible.

All winners, finalists, and longlisters for this award are eligible to receive PEN America’s official emblems. If you are a publisher and interested in obtaining PEN America’s award emblem, please write to For more information, please visit our Awards FAQ page.

2024 Winner

For a distinguished book of general nonfiction possessing notable literary merit and critical perspective that illuminates important contemporary issues.

Judges: Andrea Elliott, Scott Ellsworth, Caleb Gayle

The Great Escape: A True Story of Forced Labor and Immigrant Dreams in America, Saket Soni (Algonquin Books)

From the judges’ citation: “The Great Escape: A True Story of Forced Labor and Immigrant Dreams in America by Saket Soni is a searing yet intensely empathetic narrative of one of the largest human trafficking cases in modern U.S. history. In 2006, hundreds of Indian workers, lured to the Gulf Coast with false promises of good jobs and green cards, found themselves trapped in squalid labor camps, surrounded by barbed wire, facing exploitation and insurmountable debt. Soni not only authored their tale, but helped orchestrate the escape followed by their march to Washington D.C. and their 23-day hunger strike.

With powerful prose and compassionate insight, Soni, a first-time author, captures the resilience and courage of workers all-too-often forgotten while interrogating the injustices that shape modern forced labor. The journey Soni renders not only unveils a fight for freedom. Intertwining his personal story with that of the workers, Soni crafts a narrative that reveals both the harrowing realities and the enduring hope of those seeking a better life.”

2024 Finalists

We Were Once a Family: A Story of Love, Death, and Child Removal in America, Roxanna Asgarian (Farrar, Straus and Giroux)

The Great Escape: A True Story of Forced Labor and Immigrant Dreams in America, Saket Soni (Algonquin Books)

Cobalt Red: How the Blood of the Congo Powers Our Lives, Siddarth Kara (St. Martin’s Press)

Outrage Machine: How Tech Amplifies Discontent, Disrupts Democracy–And What We Can Do About It, Tobias Rose-Stockwell (Legacy Lit)

Fire Weather: A True Story from a Hotter World, John Vaillant (Alfred A. Knopf)



  • A candidate’s work must have been published in the United States by a trade publisher between January 1 and December 31 of the applicable calendar year.
  • Eligible books must be written by a single, living author.
  • Candidates need not be U.S. citizens or residents.
  • Memoir is eligible, so long as it possesses qualities of intellectual rigor and importance and a critical perspective that illuminates important contemporary issues.
  • If you submit a book for this award, you may not submit it for any additional PEN America Literary Award, with the exception of the PEN Open Book Award. Please note that the PEN/Faulkner Award is not considered a PEN America Literary Award.

NOT eligible:

  • Biographies are not accepted.

Submission Guidelines

  • All submitted books must be published by a trade or academic publisher between January 1 and December 31 in the applicable year. Self-published books are ineligible for the PEN America Literary Awards.
  • Books with more than one original author are ineligible for the PEN America Literary Awards.
  • PEN America will only accept submissions from publishers or literary agents. Authors may not submit their own books.
  • On the submission form, please select the award you are submitting to.
  • Submissions of a book to multiple awards is allowed only in the case of the PEN Open Book Award. Please complete a separate submission for this award if applicable.
  • Please submit verified email addresses on the submission form. Your order cannot be processed without an email address. Additional contacts are required so that we may be in contact directly if an author or translator is selected as a longlister, finalist, and/or winner.
  • Upload a PDF file of the galley or final manuscript on the book submissions form. Book award submissions will be read as PDF files. Please upload the file saved as BOOKTITLE_AUTHORNAME. For the judges’ convenience, please upload a book file WITHOUT watermarks. Each book file will be kept confidentially between the Literary Awards team and the awards judges. Please note that if a book is longlisted, PEN America may request a physical copy be sent to the judging panel.
  • Upload a high-resolution book jacket photo. This may be used later if the book is longlisted, a finalist, or a winner.
  • Each submission is $85. Submission fees are not refundable. Please note that all payments must be made via the submission form.
  • Submission fees may be waived for publishers whose annual net sales are less than $2 million. You may request an exemption here—this form asks for a letter on company letterhead stating that the press’s annual net sales are less than $2 million. Do not submit your title before requesting your fee exemption, as the Literary Awards Team will provide you with an alternative submission method.
  • Once the submitted book is received and reviewed for eligibility by PEN America, it will be passed along to the judges. Please add to your address book, as it will be the main point of contact from PEN America.