Val Vinokur is an associate professor of literary studies at The New School. He has been published in such venues as Common Knowledge, The Boston Review, McSweeney’s, Tablet, LitHub, The Russian Review, Zeek, The Massachusetts Review, The Literary Review, and New American Writing. His book, The Trace of Judaism: Dostoevsky, Babel, Mandelstam, Levinas, was published by Northwestern University Press and was a finalist for the 2009 AATSEEL Award for Best Book in Literary/Cultural Studies. He has also received a Guggenheim Fellowship in support of his and Rose-Myriam Réjouis’ translation of Marie Vieux-Chauvet’s trilogy Amour, Colere et Folie — a lost classic of Haitian literature — for Random House Modern Library (2009). Rejouis and Vinokur have also translated two novels by Patrick Chamoiseau, Solibo Magnificent and Texaco (Pantheon Books, 1997). His translation of Isaac Babel’s stories was published in 2017 by Northwestern University Press. He is the founding editor of Poets & Traitors Press and is the author of Relative Genitive: Poems, with Translations from Osip Mandelstam and Vladimir Mayakovsky.