Samuel E. Harris

I was born in Martisville, Virginia, on April 2, 1964 and was raised in Washington, D.C.

I lived the most creative years of my life (besides in prison) in New York City’s East Village, where I loved the diversity of people and the human spirit. I worked as a chef for most of my adult life.

I published an essay in the first Washingtonian magazine when I was 14 and received First Prize in fiction in the 2009 Prison Writing Contest, as well as an Honorable Mention Award in 2008.

I’m a father.

Articles by Samuel E. Harris

Prison and Justice Writing
Thursday June 25

Shepherds of the Passaic

It is as though one, looking out from a dark cave in a side of an impending mountain, sees the world passing and speaks to it; speaks courteously and persuasively, showing them how these entombed souls are hindered in their natural movement, expression, and development; and how their loosening from prison would be a matter