Sabrina Baêta is a senior program manager with Freedom to Read at PEN America. She engages in research and awareness-building around censorship attacks on public K-12 education, especially as it relates to literature accessibility in libraries and classrooms. Sabrina graduated from the University of Florida with a Bachelor of Arts in English and a Bachelor of Music in Voice, and then from the University of Central Florida with a Master of Nonprofit Management. She is a poet, essayist, and writer and prior to PEN America, worked in educational publishing and in a variety of performing arts and education nonprofits.
Sabrina Baêta
Senior Program Manager, Freedom to Read
Articles by Sabrina Baêta
Monday September 23
Memo on School Book Bans from PEN America
The final count for the 2023-2024 school year will be released later this fall along with a public Index of School Book Bans.
Friday December 1
Yes, Florida Bans Books: Why Can’t Gov. Ron DeSantis Read His Own List?
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis claimed that book bans in his state were a “false narrative.” Don’t take our word for it that Florida bans books – take DeSantis’.
Thursday June 29
Pride Month: A Banned Book Reading List
The last two years have seen unmitigated attacks on LGBTQ+ content in public school libraries, with 26% of banned books featuring LGBTQ+ characters and themes. For Pride month, PEN America recommends books that center LGBTQ+ stories and authors.