Krystyna Poray Goddu is author of the middle-grade biographies Becoming Emily: The Life of Emily Dickinson; A Girl Called Vincent: The Life of Poet Edna St. Vincent Millay, winner of the SCBWI 2017 Golden Kite Honor Book for Nonfiction; and Dollmakers and Their Stories: Women Who Changed the World of Play; a picture-book biography of Alicia Markova entitled An Unlikely Ballerina, and co-author, with her cousin Krystyna Mihulka, of Mihulka’s childhood memoir: Krysia—A Polish Girl’s Stolen Childhood During World War II. She has also written many books for the educational market. Her work has appeared in The New York Times Book Review, the Riverbank Review of Books for Young Readers and American Girl magazine, and she has been a regular writer and reviewer of children’s books for Publishers Weekly since 2008. She is secretary of the Board of Trustees of the Edna St. Vincent Millay Society and co-chair of the Children’s and Young Adult Book Committee for PEN America.