Kevin Robert Schaeffer

From his cell among the rural outskirts of Erie, PA, K. Robert Schaeffer spends his days pondering the incongruities of the Universe while weaving the warp and woof of his prison experiences, having taken to heart the recent charge of one condescending administrator, who advised: “It is imperative that you express your displeasure and/or frustration in an appropriate manner.”

Contact him (via shadowy, how-is-this-even-legal, sold-their-soul-for-a-juicy-State-contract, prison-industrial middleperson scan service) at:

Smart Communications/PADOC
Kevin Schaeffer #JT5078
PO Box 33028
St. Petersburg, FL 33733

2022 PEN America Prison Writing Contest – Honorable Mention in Fiction for “Word of the Day: Bifurcation

Articles by Kevin Robert Schaeffer

Wednesday September 7

Word of the Day: Bifurcation

Kevin Schaeffer was awarded an Honorable Mention in Fiction in the 2022 Prison Writing Contest. Every year, hundreds of imprisoned people from around the country submit poetry, fiction, nonfiction, and dramatic works to PEN America’s Prison Writing Contest, one of the few outlets of free expression for the country’s incarcerated population. Knew this guy back

Monday September 9

First World Problems

“Better take a seat, Future Self, or have you remembered? Farley died last night.”

Tuesday November 21

Of Arrestable Professions

In fact, it was not until 2026 that the man’s talents were finally recognized, said re-evaluation ultimately prompted by the downfall of cable television…