Don DeLillo

Don DeLillo was born in The Bronx in 1936.

He has written 15 novels, including White Noise, Libra, Mao II, and Underworld, Point Omega as well as four plays and a number of short stories and essays.

Articles by Don DeLillo

Literary Awards
Friday September 17


She feels the words before she sees the object. She feels the words although no one has spoken them. This is how a crowd brings things to single consciousness. Then she sees it, an ordinary commuter train, silver and blue, ungraffiti’d, moving smoothly toward the drawbridge. The headlights sweep the billboard and she hears a

Literary Awards
Wednesday September 15

An Interview with Don DeLillo

Sinclair Lewis called for ‘a literature worthy of our vastness.’ A novelist tends to feel this spread and breadth in his fingertips (or not) and I’ve tried to bring a sense of our strange and dangerous times into my work.

Literary Awards
Wednesday September 15

Human Moments in WWIII

This is a human moment, and it reminds me that war, among other things, is a form of longing.

More Articles by Don DeLillo

Literary Awards
Tuesday September 14

Point Omega