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Edward Albee Discusses Federico Garcia Lorca

Edward Albee, American playwright, discusses Federico Garcia Lorca at the PEN event 2005 State of Emergency: Readings Against Torture, Arbitrary Detention & Extraordinary Rendition. More

Conversation: Libba Bray and Nick Burd

Libba Bray interviews Nick Burd about his debut novel The Vast Fields of Ordinary as part of a series of podcast interviews that took place at the 2009 Brooklyn… More

Introduction by Jonathan Ames

Jonathan Ames gives an introduction to the 2007 PEN event An Evening With the Moth, part of the 2007 PEN World Voices Festival. More

Elias Khoury Reads from Yalo

Elias Khoury reads from his novel Yalo at Face-to-Face: Confronting the Torturers, part of the 2010 PEN World Voices Festival. More

Rodrigo Fresán Reads Rodolfo Walsh

Rodrigo Fresán reads fragments of two letters by Rodolfo Walsh at Face-to-Face: Confronting the Torturers, part of the 2010 PEN World Voices Festival. More