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Jostein Gaarder Discusses Climate Change

Jostein Gaarder, author of the internationally-acclaimed novel Sophie's World and creator of the Sophie Priz, discusses climate change at Weather Report: What Can We Do?, part of the 2010… More

James Hansen Discusses Climate Change

James Hansen, one of the world's leading climatologists and author of Storms of My Grandchildren, discusses climate change at Weather Report: What Can We Do?, part of the 2010… More

Frederic Hauge Discusses Climate Change

Frederic Hauge, founder and director of the international environmental organization the Bellona Foundation, discusses climate change at Weather Report: What Can We Do?, part of the 2010 PEN World… More

Bjørn Lomborg Discusses Climate Change

Bjørn Lomborg, an Adjunct Professor at Copenhagen Business School and author of the controversial The Skeptical Environmentalist: Measuring the Real State of the World and Cool It: The Skeptical… More