(LOS ANGELES)— The Santa Monica bookstore, Diesel, earlier this week decided to remove a book from its shelves after facing a local protest that also forced the bookseller to close its doors. The book, Understanding Hamas and Why It Matters, is set to be released on October 8.

In response, Allison Lee, PEN America Los Angeles managing director, issued the following statement:

“Booksellers have the freedom to determine what books they sell, and should be able to make that determination without fear or intimidation. There are many books in many communities that cause offense to some — including this one. But the precedent of withdrawing a book from store shelves because of a protest over its content is deeply troubling. There are many constituencies in our society right now who claim the right to dictate what stories can be told and whose ideas are shared. Acceding to such demands from any corner risks eroding the common spaces that are meant to serve readers from all backgrounds.”

“It is also disturbing that Diesel was forced to close its doors,” Lee said. “One can raise alarm bells over a bookstore’s decision to stock a book without demanding that it be withdrawn for all, and without empowering all those who wish to police speech on the basis of viewpoint.  Bookstores are one of a dwindling number of venues in our polarized society where one can encounter a wide variety of ideas and opinions. And especially during Banned Books Week, that role should be cherished, respected, and defended.”

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PEN America stands at the intersection of literature and human rights to protect free expression in the United States and worldwide. We champion the freedom to write, recognizing the power of the word to transform the world. Our mission is to unite writers and their allies to celebrate creative expression and defend the liberties that make it possible. Learn more at pen.org.

Contact: Suzanne Trimel, [email protected], (201) 247-5057