
Fragile as eggshells,

Carelessly dancing on a needle;

Oblivious to the face,

We have no right to freedom.

Cuffs and chains,

Are wrapped around me;

Unfairly banished

From all society.

Choices were made,

Consequences to be endured;

For another man’s decisions,

My misery is their cure.

I befriended a deadly tide,

And got smashed with a brick;

Now clinging to a mountainside

With nails snapped to the quick.

Most exits have closed,

Been locked up tight;

Darkness is setting in,

to live infinite night.

In a maze of lies,

I am searching for a key;

To prove I am not,

What they made me out to be.

The cold concrete walls,

With solid steel doors;

Moonbeams and starlight,

Will shine on me no more.

Desperately wishing for,

Just one last chance;

How graceful I’d be,

For I learned how to dance.