“Galina” (Fifth Wednesday Journal), Angela Ajayi
“The Handler” (Southwest Review), Amber Caron
“Tell Me, Please” (The Common), Emily Chammah
“The Asphodel Meadow” (The Summerset Review), Jim Cole
“Solee” (The Southern Review), Crystal Hana Kim
“The Manual Alphabet” (Fence), Samuel Clare Knights
“Goldhawk” (The Malahat Review), Katherine Magyarody
“A Modern Marriage” (Boston Review), Grace Oluseyi
“1,000-Year-Old Ghosts” (Hyphen Magazine), Laura Chow Reeve
“State Facts for the New Age” (The Rumpus), Amy Sauber
“A Message” (Epiphany: A Literary Journal), Ruth Serven
“Edwin Chase of Nantucket” (Harvard Review), Ben Shattuck
PEN/Robert J. Dau Short Story Prize for Emerging Writers Winners
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March Featured Case: Vietnamese Bloggers Imprisoned for “Anti-State” Articles