
toy soldiers arrayed for battle dirt clods piled high, piled ready hands work, hands arrange, the cattle a shout of challenge joyfully proclaims my hill, my clods, my… More


A voice that’s tinted with the hint of memory. I can hear myself not say the words, I can taste the salt of the tears you would not cry. … More

Black Settlement Photo: Circa 1867

Twelve ancestor souls have been preserved In sepia tones one hundred forty years deep. Still uncomfortable in their two-year-old freedom. It’s a pseudo-freedom, the kind that pinches Expressions tight… More

A Chair Full of Ashes

Of all the ways to lose a person, death is the kindest. —Emerson When I was six, my father inherited some money. With it, he bought some property and built… More

Escape Risk

CAST   SKULL LESTER TOOTY BUZZARD ERSKINE GRANGER BETTY JEETER   A madman A fool A blimp An old pervert A runaround A guard A nurse An off-stage voice SCENE: A four-man CELL, open toward the audience, back of the cell are vertical steel bars, with a center… More

Beasts of Autumn

FADE IN: EXT. FRANCE - NIGHT - WINTER SUPERIMPOSE over HOWLING WIND and snow: “FRANCE, 13TH CENTURY” Gradually revealed, an eminent well-built castle crowning a prominent hill. A lord’s residence and a… More

Second Chance

FADE IN:  INSERT: A collage of photos and headlines covering a century of Hollywood’s fame and splendor. EXT. LOS ANGELES CITYSCAPE - NIGHT The vast black carpet unfolds below. The speckled… More

Raw Bones (Live and Encaged!)

Raw Bones (Live and Encaged!) Darkness has settled in now. All day long their area was highlighted. Their loud, uneven snores are indicative of the grueling tasks that befell these… More

10-Minute Shakespeare

10-Minute Shakespeare   THE PLAYERS   Chris BJ JT Ralph Frost Dave Jeff Savage Richard John M   Shakespeare 1 Shakespeare 2 Othello Emilia Desdemona Duke of Venice Cassio Montano Edward De Vere Brabantio Desdemona Iago Roderigo CHRIS:   We waited a year for you to get here—And now let’s be      perfectly clear In our… More

Not Guilty

FADE IN: EXT. A BLUE SKY - MORNING 7:02 A.M. Flying over an isolated campus, sprawled across 45 acres of green grass, wooded countryside and hills, a hawk spots a… More