DARE: Daily Alert on Rights and Expression

Trump continues to decry removal of Confederate statues as James Murdoch condemns his comments on the violence in Charlottesville; ABC's 'pink slime' defamation suit settled last week; Hong Kong's… More

DARE: Daily Alert on Rights and Expression

Trump increasingly isolated following expression of support for white nationalists in Charlottesville; tech companies shift how they address hate speech and violence; three of Hong Kong's umbrella movement protesters… More

DARE: Daily Alert on Rights and Expression

Trump belatedly condemns violence at Charlottesville but rails against so-called 'fake news' afterwards; DOJ demands IP addresses of visitors to anti-Trump site, debates on hate speech continue but legal… More

Liu Xia

Where is Liu Xia?

Liu Xia was never accused of a crime. She was punished to punish her husband and as a lesson to a nation. Now no one knows where she is.… More

DARE: Daily Alert on Rights and Expression

Violence in Charlottesville, and White House's false equivalences, cause outrage across America; Sinclair Broadcasting Group's merger with Tribune would give it access to TV markets in swing states and… More