DARE: Daily Alert on Rights and Expression

As investigative reporting continues to reveal undermining of U.S. elections, the president's son posts his own tweets on Russia meetings. Trump tweets a claim that anonymous sources quoted by… More

DARE: Daily Alert on Rights and Expression

Chilling moment as Putin gestures at journalists and asks Trump: "These are the ones that insulted you?" President Trump breaks with tradition by not holding a news conference after… More

Liu Xiaobo and Xia Liu

Liu Xiaobo Must be Allowed to Seek Treatment Abroad

NEW YORK--In response to the statement from Western medical experts that it is safe to transport Liu Xiaobo abroad for cancer treatment, PEN America Executive Director Suzanne Nossel released… More

DARE To Be Informed

Cartoonish in quality, the video is an unorthodox way for a sitting president to express himself. But Mr. Trump has ratcheted up his attacks on the media More

DARE: Daily Alert on Rights and Expression

President Trump takes his denigration of America's free press to an international platform. Safety concerns for CNN staff surface as threats are received against reporters and their families. Rachel… More

DARE: Daily Alert on Rights and Expression

Controversy swirls over CNN interview with creator of wrestling match attack GIF circulated by Trump, with critics assailing the network over the terms of their agreement to protect the… More

DARE: Daily Alert on Rights and Expression

President Trump marks the Independence Day holiday with a tweeted video of him pummeling a person whose head is a CNN logo. And the writer who tracked the source… More