Tariq Ramadan Wins One

While denying that Ramadan was excluded on ideological grounds, Jones said, “Professor Ramadan, tomorrow, could endorse or espouse terrorism.” >> Read the story More

PEN Fights Good Fight for Int’l Writer

When prominent Muslim scholar Tariq Ramadan was denied a U.S. visa because of statements he'd made against the U.S. government, the PEN American Center joined the crusade supporting the… More

Uncle Sam Doesn’t Want You

Why have prominent foreign scholars had their visas to speak or teach in this country denied or revoked? Many, including the academic institutions who invited them, are baffled. More

A Chill in the Air

"Thanks in large part to the Patriot Act, our government is once again excluding foreign writers and scholars from the country simply because of their political beliefs." >> Read… More

When US bars its door to foreign scholars

Concern is mounting that the US government is using antiterror laws--namely, the Patriot Act--to revive a now-discredited practice common during the cold war: the prevention of foreign intellectuals who… More