DARE: Daily Alert on Rights and Expression

New direction of State Department leaves democracy to fall by the wayside, emboldening illiberal regimes around the world; EPA official resigns, decrying 'temporary triumph of myth over truth'; and… More

DARE: Daily Alert on Rights and Expression

Public officials blocking constituents on social media are violating their First Amendment rights; Gawker effect chills controversial and investigative news coverage; Apple removes VPN apps, essential to bypassing censorship,… More

DARE: Daily Alert on Rights and Expression

Scaramucci's expletive-ridden tirade reveals deep fissures in the White House. Russia sanctions bill causes diplomatic rift, but Trump administration doesn't confirm whether the president will sign the bill. Boy… More

DARE: Daily Alert on Rights and Expression

Twitter explains why it won't ban Trump; Scaramucci's war on leaks is tested as his own financial disclosure form winds up published in Politico; Outdoor retailers join the resistance;… More

DARE: Daily Alert on Rights and Expression

President Trump's crude and sexist Twitter insults against TV news commentators raise again questions about the content and contours of presidential speech. Responding, Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough say… More

DARE: Daily Alert on Rights and Expression

New York Times copy editors and top editors spar over planned job cuts, college free speech bill vetoed by Louisiana governor, encrypted messaging app registers with Russian regulator following… More