Gao Yu | Status: Continued Harassment | China

Accused of leaking state secrets, Chinese investigative journalist Gao Yu is serving a 5-year prison sentence despite serious health concerns. For now, she has been released from jail because… More

Chen Yunfei

July Featured Case: Chen Yunfei

Chen Yunfei is a performance artist who works at the intersection of human rights activism and art. His art is overtly political, intending to promote the Chinese pro-democracy movement. More

Free Expression Digest: Fri., April 8

Gao Yu hospitalized after raid on home, Gag laws anger Chilean journalists, Bangladesh students protest government inaction over blogger's murder. More

Free Expression Digest: Mon., November 30

TV channel head killed in Afghanistan, Egyptian journalist in custody, and Chinese journalist Gao Yu 'had no choice' but to confess guilt before release. More