DARE: Daily Alert on Rights and Expression

President Trump's crude and sexist Twitter insults against TV news commentators raise again questions about the content and contours of presidential speech. Responding, Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough say… More

DARE: Daily Alert on Rights and Expression

New York Times copy editors and top editors spar over planned job cuts, college free speech bill vetoed by Louisiana governor, encrypted messaging app registers with Russian regulator following… More

DARE: Daily Alert on Rights and Expression

President Trump Twitter-condemns CNN (and New York Times, Washington Post, ABC, NBC, and CBS) as entirely fake news. Sarah Palin files a defamation suit saying the New York Times… More

DARE To Be Informed

Weekly round-up of pressing threats and notable goings-on in free expression in the United States and around the world. More

DARE: Daily Alert on Rights and Expression

White House finds few are interested in the press secretary role; secrecy abounds in drafting Senate Republicans' healthcare legislation; Mexican government's misuse of spyware to target journalists and critics… More

DARE: Daily Alert on Rights and Expression

Google announces plans to curb extremist content on Youtube; Julius Caesar controversy continues; Univision flexes its muscles in the age of Trump, and more in free expression news from… More

DARE: Daily Alert on Rights and Expression

Violence shakes DC as lawmakers look for answers; arrests made following attack on peaceful protesters outside Turkish embassy in DC; Egypt continues to crack down on news media ahead… More

DARE: Daily Alert on Rights and Expression

White House press office getting quieter; new Poet Laureate named; counter-terrorism and digital freedom in Europe, and more in free expression issues around the world. More

DARE: Daily Alert on Rights and Expression

Trump cabinet compete to praise President at televised meeting; Megan Kelly criticized for hosting fake news proponent; and more in free expression in the United States and around the… More