DARE: Daily Alert on Rights and Expression

Citizens, cities, states, and businesses defy White House, commit to Paris climate agreement; free speech on campuses under threat; Putin continues to deny involvement in U.S. election, and more… More

DARE: Daily Alert on Rights and Expression

The Trump administration's plans for the NEA and NEH, Fox News retracts fake news, student's commencement speech at the University of Maryland sparks debate in China, and more. More

DARE To Be Informed

Trump threatens to end White House briefings, journalists arrested in W. Virginia and Turkey and more. Subscribe for the latest news on free expression. More

DARE: Daily Alert on Rights and Expression

The story around Trump's firing of Director Comey continues to grow, U.S. media are barred as Russian state media is let into a meeting between Trump and Russian officials,… More

DARE: Daily Alert on Rights and Expression

Presidential adviser's family kicks media out of a meeting offering visas to Chinese millionaires, the E.P.A dismisses scientific review board, and the F.C.C. investigates Stephen Colbert over joke. More