Yang Licai

In December 2019, artist Yang Licai was arrested on charges of inciting disruption. His arrest was closely linked to posts he made online in support of Hong Kong protesters.… More

Zhang Wenfang

Zhang Wenfang posted poems about the Wuhan lockdown due to COVID-19. She was first detained on “picking quarrels and provoking trouble” and later sentenced to six months in prison… More

Zhang Xuezhong

Zhang Xuezhong was detained by police after he published a letter calling on the National People's Congress to draft a new constitution and criticized their handling of the COVID-19… More

Abdo Fayed

Fayed, an Egyptian journalist and online commentator, remains detained without trial since May 2020, charged with disinformation and joining a terrorist group. The detention followed a series of Facebook… More

Alena Palachanskaya

During a street rally on August 20, 2020 both members of the band LAUDANS, Palachanskaya and Andrey Luhin, had their instruments confiscated. On October 16, 2020 both were detained… More

Andrey Luhin

During a street rally on August 20, 2020 both members of the band LAUDANS, Luhin and Alena Palachanskaya had their instruments confiscated. On October 16, 2020 both were detained… More

Andrus Takindang

Andrus Takindang

Andrus Takindang and several other musicians in the band “Recha” were detained after playing at a yard gathering in Minsk and later sentenced to 15 days of administrative arrest.… More

Hanna Komar

Hanna Komar

Poet and activist Komar was detained on September 8, 2020 during a peaceful march in support of detained activists. She served nine days of administrative arrest in Akrestsina and… More

Mikola Papieka

Mikola Papieka

In September 2020, poet and beekeeper Papieka participated in a “karahod,” a form of cultural protest used to show resistance to President Lukashenka's rule. In November, he was detained… More

Durai Guna Gunasekaran

Guna, a Dalit rights writer-activist, was detained in September 2019 for putting up “defamatory” signs inviting replacements for apathetic government officials. He was arrested again in September 2020 for… More