Ahmed Douma

A poet, activist, and blogger, Douma was first arrested in 2013 due to his prominent role in the 2011 Egyptian revolution. He wrote his poetry collection Your Voice is… More

Denise Ho

A musician-turned-activist, Ho has been repeatedly targeted by Chinese authorities for her outspoken pro-democracy views, expressed through her songs, social media posts, and in columns written for the now-defunct… More

Lobsang Lhundup Dhi Laden

A poet and Tibetan intellectual, Lhundup has written works criticizing Chinese rule in Tibet. He was arrested in 2019 and detained incommunicado for 2 years. In October 2021, he… More

Nasta Karnackaja

Nasta Karnackaja is a literary critic and columnist who runs the Telegram channel “Bellit” where she publishes book reviews and commentary. In May 2022, she assisted with the… More

Lazhari Labter

Labter, a journalist and publisher whose writing gained popularity during the Hirak protests, was arrested in his home on November 20, 2022. On November 28, he was released from… More

Writers at Risk Database

Nguyen Huu Vinh Anh Ba Sam

A former police officer, Vinh founded a popular blog dedicated to criticism of the government and circumvention of its internet firewall. In 2014, he was arrested for “baseless” and… More

Enver Aysever

Enver Aysever

A sociologist and former columnist for the independent newspaper Cumhuriyet, Aysever was arrested in March 2021 for "provoking the public to hatred and hostility” by tweeting a political cartoon… More

Tu Tu Tha

Tu Tu Tha is a novelist and journalist who was arrested on April 24, 2021 in a home raid by over 10 military soldiers. She was charged with “incitement”… More

Elchin Hasanzade

In May 2020 the head of the Mingachevir Public Utilities Department filed a lawsuit against blogger Hasanzade and Ibrahim Salamov for writing articles that speculated about corrupt practices in… More

Ibrahim Salamov Ibrahim Turksoy

In May 2020 the head of the Mingachevir Public Utilities Department filed a lawsuit against blogger Salamov and Elchin Hasanzade for writing articles that speculated about corrupt practices in… More