Lama Khater

An outspoken critic of both the Israeli government and Palestinian Authority, Khater was arrested by Israeli soldiers in July 2018 and sentenced to 13 months in prison for alleged… More

Writers at Risk Database

Dareen Tatour

Tatour, a Palestinian citizen of Israel, was detained in 2015 for her poetry and social media posts and kept under house arrest for more than two years. She was… More

Aras Amiri

Amiri showcased work by Iranian artists at the British Council in the U.K. Upon visiting Iran, she was sentenced to ten years in prison for espionage. Temporarily released during… More

Arash Ganji

Arash Ganji

Ganji, a writer, translator, and secretary of the Iranian Writers Association, was detained for 29 days in late 2019. He was sentenced in 2020 to 11 years in prison… More

Reza Khandan Mahabadi

Reza Khandan Mahabadi

Khandan Mahabadi, with two other members of the Iranian Writers’ Association, was arrested in May 2019 for opposing state censorship. An appeals judge upheld his six-year sentence, and the… More

Roland Marchal

French sociologist Dr. Marchal was detained in June 2019 when he traveled to Iran to visit his colleague Dr. Fariba Adelkhah. Both were charged with “collusion against national security”… More

Firew Bekele

University lecturer Bekele was arrested on August 17, 2019 and charged under Ethiopia’s draconian Anti-Terrorism Proclamation in connection with a book he had published criticizing Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed.… More

Atnaf Berhane

Berhane is one of the Zone 9 Bloggers, a group formed in 2012 to publish political commentary online in the face of tightening restrictions on expression. The Ethopian Supreme… More

Mahlet Fantahun Zone 9 Bloggers

Fantahun is one of the Zone 9 Bloggers, a group formed in 2012 to publish political commentary online in the face of tightening restrictions on expression. He was acquitted… More

Natnail Feleke Zone 9 Bloggers

Feleke is one of the Zone 9 Bloggers, a group formed in 2012 to publish political commentary online in the face of tightening restrictions on expression. The Ethopian Supreme… More