Sithu Soe The Unity Five

Sithu Soe was arrested with four other employees of the Unity newspaper after it published an exposé about an alleged secret chemical weapons factory. The 'Unity Five' were sentenced… More

Abdelkabir Al-Hor

Al-Hor, creator and editor of a news website that is often critical of the Moroccan government, was arrested in 2017 and sentenced to four years in prison in 2018… More

Writers at Risk Database

Maina wa Kinyatti

A Marxist historian, Kinyatti served six years in prison from 1982-1988 for his criticism of authoritarian president Daniel arap Moi. During his time in prison, he was severely mistreated… More

Writers at Risk Database

Flora Brovina

Kosovar-Albanian Brovina was abducted and held captive in Serbia during the Kosovo War, a political prisoner even as NATO retook the country. She spent 2 years in Serb prisons… More

Augustine Ford

Rapper Ford (AKA: A.Fo4doe) was harassed and detained by police in September 2018 after he was identified as the producer of a song that critiques government corruption. He was… More

Writers at Risk Database

Rodney Sieh

Founder and editor of Liberian newspaper FrontPageAfrica, Sieh was fined over US$2 million for criminal libel and effectively sentenced to life in prison after publishing findings of government corruption.… More

Writers at Risk Database

Shiva Nazar Ahari

A founder of the Committee of Human Rights Reporters, Ahari has been jailed several times for her work documenting the suffering of Iranians. Most recently, she was imprisoned from… More

Writers at Risk Database

Hojjatoleslam Hasan Yousefi Eshkevari

Outspoken critic of Iran's theocracy Eshkevari was sentenced to seven years in prison in 2000 upon return from a conference at which Iranian social and political reform was debated.… More

Writers at Risk Database

Ramin Jahanbegloo

Jahanbegloo, author of over 20 books on Iranian current affairs and contributor to international publications, was arrested in April 2006 without charge; though unconfirmed claims say he threatened national… More

Writers at Risk Database

Nasser Zarafshan

Distinguished lawyer and writer Zarafshan was arrested in 2000 after giving a speech alleging that the intelligence services had murdered five intellectuals in 1998. Though a civilian, he was… More