Dilshat Oralbai

A Chinese-born Kazakh translator and musician, Oralbai was arrested upon his return to Xinjiang in May 2018 and taken to a concentration camp. In August 2019, his family received… More

Yu Yunfeng

Yu is a pro-democracy activist who was detained multiple times for his anti-CCP content over the years. In November 2022, Yu was detained and charged with "picking quarrels and… More

Byu Har

Hip-hop artist Byu Har has used his work to criticize the junta, leading to warnings from authorities. He was arrested in May 2023 after live-streaming a video to social… More

Abdukodir Rustam

Rustam, a writer and editor, was arrested in August 2023 for editing Abdukholik Kholikzoda’s memoir Events of My Life. Copies of the book were confiscated by authorities, while Rustam… More

Omar Radi

Radi is an award-winning investigative journalist and activist. He was arrested in December 2019 for a tweet criticizing a verdict against protesters. In March 2020, he was given a… More

Saida El-Alami

In March 2022, human rights activist El-Alami was summoned to authorities and interrogated about her Facebook posts. She faced several charges including “insulting a body regulated by law.” She… More

Ahmed Ali Abdelkader

Abdelkader is a Sudanese media personality and journalist. In April 2021, he was arrested upon arriving at the airport in Saudi Arabia and detained for 20 days. He was… More

Shin Daewe

Shin Daewe is a prominent screenwriter and filmmaker whose works comment on poverty and social issues. She was arrested in October 2023 after police confiscated a video drone… More

Vsevolod Korolev

Poet and filmmaker Korolev was a vocal opponent of the war who made films about imprisoned activists. In July 2022, a criminal case was opened against him for online… More

Sasha Skochilenko

Skochilenko, an artist and writer from St Petersburg, was was arrested in March 2022 after she replaced five shelf tags in a grocery store with anti-war stickers. She was… More