Somyot Prueksakasemsuk

Somyot Prueksakasemsuk

Magazine editor and activist Somyot was arrested on October 16, 2020 for sedition for his involvement in the September 2020 pro-democracy demonstrations. He was again detained in February 2021… More

Murat Ağırel

Columnist Ağırel was arrested and held in isolation in March 2020 over allegedly spreading national security secrets. An investigation was launched for “insults” in his book Sarmal, for which… More

Eduardo Galindo Peña

Galindo Peña was detained on April 15, 2020 in a warrantless home raid by the National Anti-Extortion and Kidnapping Command and brought to court 96 hours later for writing… More

Sudha Bharadwaj

Sudha Bharadwaj

On August 28, 2018 Bharadwaj’s house was raided, and she was detained for ‘inciting violence’ as part of a coordinated series of politically-motivated arrests of activists in the Bhima-Koregaon… More

Milad Jannat

Jannat is a member of the Iranian Writers Association, a translator, and a poet. He was detained in a home raid in July 2020, in which authorities reportedly confiscated… More

Alnur Ilyashev

Detained in April 2020, Ilyashev was sentenced in June to three years of restricted freedom and a five year ban on political activism for Facebook posts criticizing the Kazakh… More

Omoyele Sowore

Omoyele Sowore

Omoyele Sowore, a political activist and journalist, was arrested and detained by police on December 2020 during a candlelight procession he had organized against bad governance in Nigeria. He… More

Awad Al-Sawafi

Al-Sawafi, an activist and blogger, was arrested and immediately charged on June 3, 2020. Two weeks later, he was handed down a suspended sentence of one year in prison… More

Musallam Al-Ma’ashani

On November 14, 2019, security forces arrested Al-Ma’ashani and transferred him to a prison where he was denied lawyers and necessary medications. In protest, he began a hunger strike.… More

Sajid Soomro

Soomro was arrested on June 10, 2020, when dozens of police officers raided his home. Authorities filed a blasphemy case under the Pakistan Penal Code for Soomro’s writings that… More