Gamal Al-Gamal

A freelance columnist and well-known critic of President El-Sisi’s policies, Al-Gamal left Egypt in 2017. On February 22, 2021, upon returning from exile in Türkiye, he was detained and… More

Writers at Risk Database

Jordi Cuixart

Cuixart is a Catalan poet who advocates for the region’s independence. In October 2019, Cuixart, already detained, received a nine-year prison sentence and ban on holding office for sedition.… More

Writers at Risk Database

Jordi Sànchez

Sànchez is a Catalan writer who advocates for the region’s independence. In October 2019, Sànchez, already detained, received a nine-year prison sentence and a ban on holding office for… More

Writers at Risk Database

Nasrin Sotoudeh

A human rights lawyer and prominent voice of conscience, Sotoudeh was briefly rearrested and beaten in October 2023 while attending a funeral of a slain teenage girl. She had… More

Nasrin Sotoudeh

Nasrin Sotoudeh | Status: Conditional Release | Iran

Nasrin Sotoudeh, a prominent human rights lawyer, writer, activist, and former political prisoner, was abruptly re-arrested and beaten on October 29, 2023 as she was attending the funeral of… More

Aigul Otepova

Blogger Otepova was placed under house arrest in September 2020 and accused of supporting the Democratic Choice of Kazakhstan (DVK), labelled an extremist movement. She was forcibly brought to… More

Murat Ağırel

Columnist Ağırel was arrested and held in isolation in March 2020 over allegedly spreading national security secrets. An investigation was launched for “insults” in his book Sarmal, for which… More

Eduardo Galindo Peña

Galindo Peña was detained on April 15, 2020 in a warrantless home raid by the National Anti-Extortion and Kidnapping Command and brought to court 96 hours later for writing… More

Ahnaf Jazeem

Jazeem was arrested on May 16, 2020 under the Prevention of Terrorism Act in relation to his book of poetry Navarasam, in which authorities claimed without basis that he… More