Writing for an Audience

Adam Gidwitz, Gary Golio, Nora Raleigh Baskin, and Rita Williams-Garcia discuss censorship and imagining an audience at the PEN event Writing Dangerously. More

Working Day: Solitude and Community

Art-making demands quiet, solitude—perhaps even loneliness. Yet, the literary imagination also thrives in community. How do writers negotiate these competing needs, for the pure aloneness in which a singular… More

Fuad Rifka Reads Translations of His Work

Faud Rifka reads "A Vision", "Civilization", "Hiroshima", "At Night the Sun Also Rises", "August 2, 1984" and "you know that the faraway mountains are always faraway" during a poetry reading which took… More

George Saunders Reads Statement by Khaled El-Masri

George Saunders reads the statement of German citizen Khaled El-Masrim, an innocent victim of the CIA's extraordinary rendition program, as part of the 2009 PEN event Reckoning with Torture:… More