This Critical Moment!

In honor of the National Book Critics Circle’s 35th birthday, a panel of critics—Eric Banks, Rigoberto González, Laila Lalami, and Kevin Prufer—provide context and commentary on this year’s World… More

East-West Storytelling

Nadeem Aslam, Nam Le, Fuad Rifka, and Antje Rávic Strubel discuss how hybrid culture has replaced the never-existent mainstream and how the short story has evolved. This panel discussion… More

Conversation: Richard Ford & Nam Le

Pulitzer Prize-winning author Richard Ford discusses character, craft, and the writing process with Vientamese-Australian author Nam Le during a conversation that took place at the 2009 PEN World Voices… More

1,000 Words: The Power of Visual Storytelling

Emmanuel Guibert, David Polonsky, and Shaun Tan, with moderator Jonathan Ames, discuss the use of pictures in telling challenging and compelling stories at 1,000 Words: The Power of Visual… More

David Almond Reads from The Savage

David Almond reads from The Savage and discusses his work at Face Off! Overcoming Barriers, part of the 2010 PEN World Voices Festival. More