Of Course and Utensils Shrink

Of Coursehe won’t tell you his whole lifein three hours or in three days, evenif he really wantedto show you that he likes youand trusts you. There’s justno way… More


HungerWhy don’t I eat something newlike the map of Sudan, for exampleor the Egyptian deltain a longitudinal slicefrom split branches to moutha million generations of built up siltor eat… More

His Mother’s Voice

In high spirits, I waved to the waiter, and called my mother to warn her I'd be late. An urgent case, I lied. The way I sometimes lied, though… More


Since neither of them feels like going to a restaurant, as soon as Hug arrives Heribert begins to prepare the shrimp. Now, sitting face to face, across a table set… More

Self-Portrait Abroad

Sitting with Professor H. in one corner of the covered café terrace opposite the main entrance to the Nara train station, we kept our eyes peeled for the three people… More

Heartbreak Tango

FIRST EPISODEThe shadows on the dance floor,this tango brings sad memories to mind,let us dance and think no morewhile my satin dress has a chanceto shine like a tear… More

Elias Khoury: White Masks

PrologueThis is no tale. And it may not be of particular interest to readers, as people these days have more important things to do than read stories or listen… More

The Black Minutes

I had the most important nightmare of my life so far while traveling in a bus down a highway flanked by pine trees. I haven’t been able to figure… More


BulbjergWe suddenly found ourselves in an astonishing landscape: luminous, white-sand hills on all sides, wind-swept trees twisting beneath the blue, open sky. We gasped for breath, joyfully, as if… More