Editor Given 10 Months in Prison

International PEN protests the 10-month prison sentence handed to La Verdad editor Milton Chacaguasay Flores on November 15, 2008 for allegedly libeling a judge. More

Prominent Dissident Writer Liu Xiaobo Detained

International PEN is seriously concerned about the detention of prominent dissident writer Liu Xiaobo, former President and Board member of the Independent Chinese PEN Center, who was arrested on… More

Zargana Sentenced to Total of 59 Years

International PEN is appalled by the additional 14-year prison term handed down to leading comedian and poet Zargana on November 27, 2008, added to the 45-year sentence he received… More

Dissident Writer Chen Daojun Sentenced

PEN considers Chen Daojun’s conviction to be in violation of his right to free expression as guaranteed by Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, to which… More

Journalist Zaw Thet Htwe Sentenced

Journalist Zaw Thet Htwewas arrested on June 13, 2008 after leading a private effort to deliver aid to cyclone Nargis’ victims. More

Second U.S.-Based Internet Writer Released

International PEN welcomes the release without charge of the U.S.-based Internet writer Emmanuel Emeka Asiwe, who was held incommunicado from October 28 to November 4, 2008 due to his… More

Poet Yusuf Juma Ill-Treated in Prison

PEN is seeking assurances of Yusuf Juma’s well-being, clarification of the reasons for Yusuf Juma’s detention, and assurances that he is not being held in denial of his right… More

Musician Win Maw Sentenced

International PEN strongly protests the six-year prison sentence handed down to leading Burmese musician Win Maw. PEN calls for his immediate and unconditional release, as well as the release… More