Health Concerns for Jailed Writers

International PEN continues to be alarmed by the large number of detained writers in China suffering from serious illnesses and lack of appropriate medical care. More

Internet Writer Detained Without Charges

International PEN is seriously concerned about the detention of Kunchok Tsephel, a Tibetan Internet writer, who has reportedly been held without charge since February 26, 2009. More

American-Iranian Journalist Detained Without Charge

International PEN is seriously concerned about the detention of Iranian-American journalist and writer Roxana Saberi, who has been held incommunicado without charge in Evin Prison, Tehran, since late January… More

Pen Protests Seizure of Literary Magazine

On February 25, 2009, a district court in Brest, on the Polish-Belarus border, ordered the destruction of the most recent edition of the Belarusian language cultural magazine Arche on… More

Newspaper Editor Arrested and Ill-Treated

International PEN is seriously concerned by the arrest of newspaper editor Nadesapillai Vithyatharan under emergency legislation on February 26, 2009, apparently for his reporting. More

Writer Received Royal Pardon

International PEN welcomes the release of Australian writer Harry Nicolaides, who was granted a Royal pardon on February 19, 2009, and is now back in Australia. More

Journalist Murdered Following Police Threats

International PEN is shocked by the murder of Weekly Citizen journalist Francis Nyaruri, who disappeared on January 15, 2009 and whose decapitated body was found on January 29. More