Pussy Riot Trial Closed; Verdict Due August 17

The trial against Maria Alyokhina, Nadezhda Tolokonnikova and Yekaterina Samusevich was closed yesterday, August 8, 2012, and the verdict will be given on August 17. The three members of… More

Mounting Concerns for Two Detained Azeri Poets

PEN International is seriously concerned for the welfare of Azeri writers Farid Huseyn and Shahriyar Hajizade, who have been held without charge in Iran since May 2, 2012. PEN… More

Büşra Ersanli Freed Pending Trial

From the day that the prosecutor ruled my detention, until now, everything has been upside down. I am speechless and now going back to Silivri [prison] to pack my… More

Journalist Frederica Jansz (F) Threatened; Fears for Safety

Background Information Article 19 gives the following information in its press release: Frederica Jansz is the editor of Sri Lankan weekly newspaper, The Sunday Leader, and was conducting a phone interview with Rajapaksa, who… More