Sunday Leader Journalist Shot

PEN International condemns the attack against Sunday Leader journalist Faraz Shauketaly on February 15, 2013, apparently in retaliation for his journalistic work. More

Writer Akram Aylisli Under Threat

PEN International fears for Azerbaijani novelist Akram Aylisli’s security. It calls on the Azerbaijani authorities to guarantee Aylisli’s safety and that of his family, and to investigate and prosecute… More

Emin Milli Serving 15-Day Sentence

PEN International protests the arrest of Azerbaijani blogger, Emin Milli, as well as the persistent use of brief detentions, fines, and harassment against other journalists in an attempt to… More

Blogger and Journalist Sentenced

PEN International concerned about prison sentences handed down to Kuwaiti blogger Rashid al-Anzi and journalist Ayyad al-Harbi for allegedly insulting the Kuwaiti ruling family. More